Thursday, July 10, 2014

Pleasant Surprise!

I was beyond excited today to see Selina waiting for our van to arrive in Garden to say our final goodbyes. She has been a special child that I have connected with for many years. She has grown so much and told another traveler, that I was "her best friend." While I believe that's a stretch, I know that Selina also finds our friendship special. She has a bright future and has the skills to succeed despite her circumstances. I gave her a book and a pen to keep. She quickly asked me to read the story and then she quietly wrote "I love this book" with perfect handwriting, spacing, and letter formation. Very gratifying for me to see as a first grade teacher! It's children like Selina that make these trips so memorable for me.

Today the group said their final farewells to everyone here in Zambia. There are three of us staying an extra couple days to conduct the business aspects of CWB, but the group separated late this afternoon. As I mentioned before, some of us went to the community where we have been teaching. Others went to the Fountain of Hope to deliver soap, supplies, and give some medicine to individuals that tested positive for bilharzia. We also had a wonderful celebration this afternoon. We had an African barbeque at the guest house and we also processed the entire trip. We were able to celebrate each other and discuss some of our favorite memories. It has been a great experience for all! I've been very fortunate to be part of a group that is so passionate about supporting children.

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